Getting Started with GDMP

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A helpful guide to make the best use of your Local Government Reporting solution

Welcome to the Local Government Reporting solution

Local Government Reporting is designed to provide state, county, and regional government agencies greater visibility into local diversion efforts and the region's overall waste collection performance.

The Local Government Reporting solution provides you with access to Municipal Measurement Program™ (MMP) data submitted by MMP members within your jurisdiction. It includes two Program Manager (PM) Accounts to review, manage, and verify program assessment survey responses. A suite of analytical reports provides the information you need to understand what each of the MMP members in your jurisdiction is doing to address materials management challenges. It also makes it easy to engage with communities (especially under-performing ones) to provide the support they need to continuously improve program performance.

Program Managers

Each Local Government Reporting Customer will assign up to two (2) Program Manager Accounts (referred to as "Authorized Users" in Customer Terms of Service). Local Government Reporting Program Manager Accounts are configured to access Municipal Measurement Program data for all members in the Customer's jurisdiction. The primary role of a Local Government Reporting Program Manager is to review data submitted via the MMP's program assessment surveys to identify inaccurate data or response discrepancies.

If you haven't received an invitation to access your Program Manager Account, please contact

The Importance Of Data Verification

The following section describes the data verification process that Local Government Reporting Program Managers are expected to undertake when reviewing MMP members' program assessment survey response data.

The Basics

    • The Recycling Partnership will provide basic data verification training to all new Local Government Reporting Program Managers.
    • The Recycling Partnership will also perform a final review of MSW and Recycling Collection Programs survey responses to confirm data quality and provide feedback to Local Government Reporting Program Managers as necessary.
    • BioCycle will perform verification of all Yard & Food Waste Collection Program data and provide feedback to Local Government Reporting Program Managers as necessary.
    • The general flow of the verification process is as follows:
      • An MMP member (participating municipality, county or regional agency) marks all relevant surveys as “complete”.
      • Local Government Reporting Program Manager is notified, by automated email, that the MMP member’s surveys have been marked as "complete".
      • Local Government Reporting Program Manager logs into Re-TRAC™ to review the completed survey responses.
      • Local Government Reporting Program Manager follows the steps outlined in the Data Verification Protocol (see below).
      • During the Local Government Reporting review, PM's can enter notes into the "Response Notes" section at the bottom of each survey.
        • PM's can document important review notes including changes made to the survey response and the steps taken to confirm the accuracy of the data.
      • Once the Local Government Reporting Program Manager has completed a review of the MMP member’s survey response, including contact with the member to address any data accuracy issues, the Local Government Reporting Program Manager will use the “Audit only” Manager Team Sign-Off Window located towards the bottom of each survey to indicate that the survey response is ready for BioCycle and The Recycling Partnership to perform final data verification procedures. 
        • Click on the radio button “Yes, ready to verify”. Note: do not use the “Manage Response” window at the bottom of the page for your review; that section is for data verifier use only.
        • The Recycling Partnership and BioCycle will perform a final review of the MMP member’s completed survey response, they will review any Local Government Reporting Program Manager’s response notes, and address any outstanding questions with the Local Government Reporting Program Manager.
        • The Recycling Partnership and BioCycle will mark the MMP member’s survey responses as “Verified”.

Helpful Tips

    • Members cannot mark program assessment survey responses as "complete" until data has been entered into all required fields. Therefore, all essential program information will be available when Local Government Reporting Program Managers review survey responses marked as "complete".
    • Verification should focus on the appropriateness of the numerical data, both in raw form (i.e. entered directly into a field) and also in the calculated form (e.g. pounds per household metric).

Data Verification Protocol

Local Government Reporting Program Managers should follow the instructions provided in the Data Verification Protocol. If you have questions about data verification, please email

Generating Analytics

The Local Government Reporting solution includes a suite of powerful program performance reports that transform residential program data into valuable insights about your jurisdiction's overall waste diversion performance.

Annual Trend

Monitor your jurisdiction's annual performance metrics to analyze trends and identify opportunities to make program adjustments.

Ann MSW tonnage

Annual Diversion Rate

Calculate the diversion rate for all or select residential collection programs operating in your jurisdiction. Dig further into the data by analyzing your overall collection program tonnage.

Ann diversion

Annual Tonnage By Program

Measure the total tons of recycling, municipal solid waste (MSW), and yard & food waste captured by all residential programs in your jurisdiction. Use the built-in filters to filter on specific communities or types of members (e.g. Counties vs Municipalities).


Total Lbs Per Household By Residential Curbside Programs

Compare pounds per household metrics between various collection programs in your jurisdiction.

Lbs per HH Res Curbside- NEW

Materials Accepted by Residential Curbside Programs

Gain insights into the mix of material types accepted by the curbside programs operated by the communities in your jurisdiction.

matls accepted- getting started page

Curbside Program Access Report

Generate this report to see which curbside collection programs are offered in each community and how the service is provided to residents.

Curbside Program Access- 02-28

It's Time To Get Started

Now that you're familiar with the Local Government Reporting solution and all its features, it's time to log into Re-TRAC™ to start reviewing MMP member data and generate some reports. If you don't have the Local Government Reporting solution yet, please submit an inquiry here.